April 2020 — Gastroenterology & Surgical
By MCL Education • April 14, 2020
14 year old female presents with an abdominal/mesenteric based mass as resected.
Image A
Image B
Immnohistochemical stains demonstrate strong cytokeratin AE1/AE3 (A) and trypsin (B) positivity within the tumor cells. Synaptophysin is negative while chromogranin is focally and weakly positive in the malignant population. B-catenin fails to show nuclear expression. The tumor cells are negative for SALL4, KIT, SF1, OCT4, NUT and inhibin. INI1 and BRG1 are retained.
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Stefan Brettfeld, D.O. Fellow, Surgical Pathology Mayo Clinic |
Rondell Graham, M.B.B.S. Consultant, Anatomic Pathology Mayo Clinic Associate Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science @rondell_graham |