William Morice, II, M.D., Ph.D., Featured on ESPN Radio

William Morice, II, M.D., Ph.D.

Dr. Morice, chair of Mayo Clinic’s Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology and president of Mayo Clinic Laboratories, sat down with Matt Schick and Jen Lada from ESPN Radio to discuss COVID-19 testing and the upcoming sports season.

The questions on every sport’s fan’s mind are “Is it even possible to bring back sports in the middle of global pandemic?” and “If so, what will the upcoming season look like?”

According to Dr. Morice, “There are a lot of tools that you can use to help monitor the situation and understand if it's going to get out of control and stop, but you have to have plans for that now.” These tools include testing and ensuring there are protocols in place to mitigate the risk as much as possible.

In regards to the overall season, Dr. Morice says, “It's going to be difficult to play out the season fairly because COVID could lead to players being sidelined, a large groups of players. And I think the other thing is for those players, it's not just about them, but it's about everyone.”

Listen to the entire interview on ESPN Radio.

Suzanne Ferguson

Suzanne Ferguson is a Marketing Channel Manager at Mayo Clinic Laboratories and has worked at Mayo Clinic since 2014. Outside of work, Suzanne can be found traveling, reading and spending time with her family.