A 65-year-old man with history of treated anal intraepithelial neoplasia presents with new-onset diarrhea. A Papanicolaou-stained anal smear was performed for follow-up cancer screening. Nicholas[...]
78 year old man with new onset bilateral shoulder/neck pain and weakness, jaw pain exacerbated by chewing, and odynophagia with both solids and liquids. A[...]
This "Pathways" program provides Anatomic and Clinical Pathology cases that include a history, potential answers, rationale, and relevant references. Cases for January include the following sub-specialties: bone and soft tissue, cellular therapy, laboratory genetics and genomics, and pulmonary
A 27-year-old man underwent amputation of the right fourth toe for a soft tissue mass. Kyriakos Chatzopoulos, M.D.Resident, Anatomic and Clinical PathologyMayo Clinic Andrew Folpe,[...]
This is a surgical pathology case of a 70-year-old woman with multiple bilateral relatively stable lung nodules and history of metastatic leiomyosarcoma of Mullerian origin[...]
This "Pathways" program provides Anatomic and Clinical Pathology cases that include a history, potential answers, rationale, and relevant references. Cases for December include the following sub-specialties: Biochemical Genetics, Bone and Soft Tissue, Dermatopathology, and Genitourinary.
A 12 week old boy presented with a 6 cm heterogeneous solid mass with cystic change, involving the mid/lower pole of the right kidney. Grossly,[...]
A 29 year old female presents with large, painless right abdominal wall mass. The mass was excised, and microscopic evaluation demonstrated an infiltrative spindle cell[...]
A 7-year old boy presented with growing skin lesion on the back. Chady Meroueh, M.D.Fellow, Clinical Informatics Mayo Clinic Thomas Flotte, M.D.Consultant, Anatomic PathologyMayo ClinicProfessor[...]
A 60-year-old woman presented for evaluation of hirsutism. She was found to have an elevated total testosterone level of 331 ng/dL(reference range 8-60 ng/dL) and[...]
This "Pathways" program provides Anatomic and Clinical Pathology cases that include a history, potential answers, rationale, and relevant references. Cases for October include the following sub-specialties: Cytogenetics, Endocrine, Gastrointestinal, Neuropathology, and Transfusion Medicine.
A 65-year-old woman had a 12 year progressive history of ascending numbness and tingling of the left, then right side of her body. Multiple physicians[...]
A 64-year-old man was found to have an incidental liver mass on ultrasonography during a work-up for chronic kidney disease. He had a history of[...]